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Leeza Martinez Leeza Martinez

The Power of The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind is a concept rooted in psychology. It is the reservoir of our thoughts, memories, and emotions that operate beneath our conscious awareness. Think of it as the backstage crew of a theatrical production; it works tirelessly behind the scenes, influencing our choices, reactions, and, ultimately, our reality. As a life coach, I feel it’s crucial to understand the power of the unconscious mind.

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Leeza Martinez Leeza Martinez

Permission to Rest

If you’re an entrepreneur or just a busybody, you may feel like you are constantly burning the midnight oil, navigating through challenges, and striving for some shred of progress. I am here to remind you that – Growth isn't a sprint, it's a marathon, and marathon runners know the importance of pacing.

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

Choosing The Right Life Coach

Life is full of ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns, and moments of uncertainty. We all face challenges and transitions in our lives, from careers and relationships to personal growth and figuring out our life's purpose. It's only natural to feel a bit lost or overwhelmed by it all. That's where I come in.

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Leeza Martinez Leeza Martinez

64 days left in 2023. Here’s what to do.

As the month comes to an end and the year soon to follow, I started reflecting on where I am now. I asked myself how I feel about it and what I’d like to change. So I decided, for the next 60 days I’m going to focus on my goals and make the changes I need to bring the new year in on a fresh start.

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Why I Teach Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever considered that emotional intelligence is your key to embarking on a journey of self-discovery? Picture it as opening a door to a room you've never explored before - a room within yourself. When you develop emotional intelligence, you start connecting with your own emotions, taking the time to understand why you feel the way you do, and recognizing how those feelings impact your thoughts, actions, and choices.

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