The Human Approach Formula

Photo by Suren Manvelyan

I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again: coaching isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. I can’t stress this enough, many coaches have systems in place that work for them and then they teach you their system and while it works for people, I find that others may not find joy in their newfound routines. Instead of imposing a rigid system, I center my coaching methodology around what makes you undeniably human. Let's talk more in-depth about the Human Approach Formula that defines my coaching program.

My Coaching Methodology

One thing about being online is there’s a lot of noise. People from every corner of the world telling you how to do something, what you’re doing wrong, why you're not growing, etc. It’s actually madness, but the truth is, you don’t want to hear that. At least it’s not helpful in the way it’s intended to be. This brought me to The Human Approach Formula.

The elements every human needs are Connection, Purpose, Growth, and Wellbeing. We focus on what makes you happy, what your goals are, who you really are, and ultimately what works for you. I want to meet you at your humanity and show you how to embrace it. This approach is designed to resonate with you on a personal level, making the coaching experience deeply relatable and transformative.

The Formula Explained

  • Embracing Humanity: Begin your transformative journey by grounding yourself in the present moment, acknowledging your roots, and establishing a strong foundation for growth.

  • Cultivating Self-Compassion: Nourish your inner self by opening your heart, and cultivating love and acceptance. Treat yourself with the same kindness that you extend to others.

  • Addressing Emotional Wellness: Explore and balance your emotions, allowing creative energy to flow. Foster a healthy relationship with your emotional self for overall well-being.

  • Vulnerability as Strength: Embrace vulnerability with a sense of personal power and confidence. Recognize that vulnerability is a source of strength that aligns with your authentic self.

  • Navigating Challenges with Resilience: Find your voice, express your truth, and communicate effectively in the face of challenges. Let the energy of the Throat Chakra guide you through resilience.

  • Mindful Living: Practice mindful living, aligning with heightened awareness and intuition. Connect with the present moment and trust your inner wisdom on this journey.

  • Organic and Integrated Growth: Align with higher aspects of your being, connect to a sense of purpose, and experience spiritual transformation. Your growth is an integrated journey that transcends the physical and reaches into the realms of your spiritual self.

The Human Approach Formula is not about fitting you into a predetermined box, it’s meant to acknowledge and celebrate your individuality. By meeting you at your humanity, this approach creates a coaching experience that is deeply relatable and, more importantly, transformative.

In a world where the noise can be deafening, I am here to offer a different tune – one that harmonizes with your unique rhythm. Let's go on this journey together, where coaching is not just a service but a shared exploration of what makes you authentically human. Learn more here or book a free coaching consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together.


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