• Is your site secure?

    Yes my site is secure, and you can view that in your browser. This website is hosted through Squarespace which is encrypted via SSL.

  • Is your site ADA accessible?

    My site is ADA accessible, and you can change these settings by clicking the little person in corner.

  • Where are you located?

    I am located in Denver, CO so I am able to meet in-person, or online via Zoom for anyone unable to commute or who live out of state.

  • What are your certifications?

    I am a certified life coach and soon to be NLP practitioner.

  • What is your refund policy?

    Generally, refunds are not given. But depending on your circumstances, I am open to working with you to resolve the issue. (*Please see, “What if I can’t finish the full course (unable to commit, financial reasons?”))

  • What’s a Trello Board? How do I access it?

    Trello is a website that we will use that allows us to track all aspects of your program management. Think of the Trello Board as a hub for videos, meeting notes, lists, your goals and commitments for your sessions - anything and everything you need to follow and organize your progress.

  • What if I miss a session or need to reschedule?

    I understand that life happens, and I’m always going to do what I can to accommodate my client’s needs. The sooner you can let me know the situation, the better it is for everyone.

  • How do I receive my ‘Limiting Beliefs’ worksheet?

    The ‘Limiting Beliefs’ worksheet is free, all you have to do is subscribe using your email. When you press submit, you will then have the ability to download the worksheet and save to your own computer.

  • What is the Human Approach Formula?

    My methodology is more than a process, it’s a journey of self discovery, healing, and authentic growth; working from the inside out, and acknowledging a person’s humanity. Learn more here.

  • What if I can’t finish the full course (unable to commit, financial reasons)?

    While the course extends over six months with the assumption that you'll complete it, certain unforeseen events like illness, financial challenges, or personal circumstances may alter your progress in the program. In such cases, you won't be required to make any extra payments, and you'll still receive the service for the months covered by your initial payment. If you've paid in full, a refund for the remaining months will be issued. But you won’t be issued a refund for the prior months you completed.

  • Why should I pursue one-on-one coaching?

    Ultimately, a life coach can help you gain clarity, set manageable and achievable goals, keep you accountable, and overall just provide support. Some people think life coaching is silly, but we’re all human beings first; just trying to do the best we can. It’s easy to see these days why some people feel the life they want is out of reach - scrolling through socials and seeing all the things you think you don’t have or can’t be. But in reality, you CAN have everything you want. You CAN do anything, and you CAN be whatever you see fit. Sometimes, all you need is some guidance and community which is what I plan to give you.

  • How does this work?

    It’s a six month commitment and during that time, we work on your personal development and teach you how to work through limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. You meet with me once a week for one hour, where we will talk about your goals, and make a commitment to what you’d like to achieve for your next session. Every session will be recorded and everything is kept in your Trello Board where you can track your progress. At the end, you’ll be better equipped and more confident in tackling your goals on your own. However, you won’t be alone! I will always offer post program support, which we will talk about when we meet.