Hello, my name is Leeza martinez and this is my story

The truth is, I had to learn the hard way. While a number of factors play a role in my story let’s start in 2021.

I had a breakdown. I was ready to end everything and have no regrets about it. I had lost so many people during the pandemic, my business was suffering, and my life felt like it was crumbling around me. I felt stuck in a deep hole I ironically a hole I dug myself.

How did I fix it?

Thankfully, my mentor and good friend stepped up and saw how down I was. She didn’t judge me, provided me with a safe space, and offered to help me get therapy. It was turbulent at first, I didn’t show up sometimes, and I couldn’t find the will to get out of bed. I wanted to rot. Once I did open up, things changed so dramatically for me. Pieces of my old self returned but it was through discovering my true self that change was inspired within me. I was so caught up on “getting back to myself” I couldn’t see that a lot of my problem was, that who I was, wasn’t working for who I am now. I was holding on to things that didn’t serve me. I felt like I had to be something I wasn’t and I wasn’t living authentically.


My mission is to empower people to unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams by providing guidance, support, and practical strategies tailored to their specific goals and aspirations. Coaching is not one-size-fits-all; it's a journey of self-discovery, growth, and continuous improvement that is unique to each client. Together, we explore possibilities, overcome obstacles, and build a path that leads to a fulfilling and prosperous life.

My Certifications and training

The coaching industry is an unregulated field meaning that anyone can technically offer coaching services without a formal certification. Many coaches draw from their own life experiences and some choose to pursue training to enhance their skills, gain trust, and expand their knowledge. I’ve completed a continued education course in Life Coaching where I got my certification. I’ve also taken time to get certified as an NLP Practitioner and in Trauma Informed Coaching. These skills give me the tools I need to help you move past any hurdles you may be facing and are used in my coaching practices.