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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

Creating Balance in Your Life

Welcome to the modern juggle, where work demands seem never-ending, personal commitments tug at your time so we avoid them, and going out and having fun is now the last thing you want to do. As we navigate through our busy schedules, it’s important to remember to pause, take a breath, and prioritize our well-being. Remember, it's okay to press pause, to recenter, and to focus on what truly matters. Here are some practical approaches you can take!

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

All about bad days

Bad days—they're a part of my story, just as they are a part of yours. There have been days where it feels like the universe is conspiring against me, where nothing seems to go right, and frustration bubbles up from deep within. In those moments, it's tempting to resist, to push back against the tide of negativity and despair. But over time, I've come to realize that bad days serve a purpose—a purpose that's integral to my journey of growth and self-discovery.

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

Reasons People Hire a Life Coach

Life happens, responsibilities arise and overwhelm can set in. It's not just about having goals, it's about navigating doubts, fears, and distractions that inevitably surface along the way. In these moments, what individuals truly need isn't just another life hack—it's a dedicated Life Coach. The undeniable truth is that everyone benefits from accountability and encouragement.

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

Mind-Body Wellness and Modern Living

To start, Happy International Mind-body Wellness Day! Life can often prove challenging as we strive to effectively manage the well-being of our minds and bodies, particularly amidst the strains of daily stress. This can lead us to feel disconnected from our true selves. However, by drawing inspiration from various cultural practices, we can discover valuable techniques to restore equilibrium within the busyness of our modern lives.

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Life Coaching, The Human Approach Formula Leeza Martinez Life Coaching, The Human Approach Formula Leeza Martinez

The Human Approach Formula

I've said it many times before, and I'll say it again: coaching isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience. I can’t stress this enough, many coaches have systems in place that work for them and then they teach you their system and while it works for people, I find that others may not find joy in their newfound routines. Instead of imposing a rigid system, I center my coaching methodology around what makes you undeniably human. Let's talk more in-depth about the Human Approach Formula that defines my coaching program.

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Emotional Intelligence, Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Emotional Intelligence, Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

The Three States of The Mind

As your guide on this journey of personal development, my role is to equip you with insights that transcend the superficial layers of decision making. It's about digging into the core of understanding oneself and recognizing the intricate interplay between reason, wisdom, and emotion. This deep understanding serves as the foundation for empowered decision making.

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

The Ripple Effect

In the journey toward personal growth and fulfillment, the interconnected nature of our energy, mind, emotions, and physical play a pivotal role in our wellbeing. Imagine life as a series of interconnected ripples, starting from the core of your being and radiating outward, influencing every aspect of your existence.

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

Choosing The Right Life Coach

Life is full of ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns, and moments of uncertainty. We all face challenges and transitions in our lives, from careers and relationships to personal growth and figuring out our life's purpose. It's only natural to feel a bit lost or overwhelmed by it all. That's where I come in.

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Why I Teach Emotional Intelligence

Have you ever considered that emotional intelligence is your key to embarking on a journey of self-discovery? Picture it as opening a door to a room you've never explored before - a room within yourself. When you develop emotional intelligence, you start connecting with your own emotions, taking the time to understand why you feel the way you do, and recognizing how those feelings impact your thoughts, actions, and choices.

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