The Three States of The Mind

As your guide on this journey of personal development, my role is to equip you with insights that transcend the superficial layers of decision making. It's about digging into the core of understanding oneself and recognizing the intricate collaboration between reason, wisdom, and emotion.

Embracing the Three States of Mind:

The three states of mind – Reasonable Mind, Wise Mind, and Emotional Mind – are not isolated entities but interconnected facets of our being. They form the essence of our decision making process and shape the canvas of our lives. Each state contributes to our unique perspective of our experiences.

Reasonable Mind

In the pursuit of mindful decisions, the Reasonable Mind acts as your analytical ally. It's the compass that points towards logic, facts, and critical thinking.

Wise Mind

Wisdom is the synergy between reason and emotion. It's the sweet spot where knowledge meets intuition. Our journey involves tapping into the Wise Mind, understanding the lessons from past experiences, and integrating them with your present moment. This integration leads to decisions that resonate with our authenticity and give us a profound self awareness.

Emotional Mind

Emotions are the vibrant hues that add depth to our lives. Acknowledging and navigating the Emotional Mind is a crucial aspect of our work together. We'll explore the role of emotions in decision making, recognizing their validity, and learning how to channel them constructively.

Finding Balance

The magic happens when we strike a harmonious balance between these states. This doesn’t mean suppressing one in favor of another but recognizing when each is most relevant. Together we will focus on nurturing this balance, so that you are empowered you to approach decisions with clarity, confidence, and authenticity.

As your life coach, my commitment is to guide you through the exploration of yourself. The journey is yours, and I'm here to walk alongside you, offering support, insights, and strategies every step of the way. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Interested in working together? Book a free consultation to explore if life coaching is right for you or learn more here.


The Human Approach Formula


The Ripple Effect