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Leeza Martinez Leeza Martinez

Habit Formation 101: The Neurons that Wire Your Routines

Habits are the silent architects of our daily lives, shaping the way we navigate the world. Behind the scenes, a complex dance of neurons orchestrates the formation and reinforcement of these habits. In this blog, we'll delve into the intricate world of neural pathways, understanding how neurons communicate, and the crucial role neurotransmitters play in reinforcing habitual behaviors.

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Leeza Martinez Leeza Martinez

Celebrating Wins and Learning from Losses

In my journey of personal and professional growth, I've learned that success isn't just about wins but also about bouncing back from setbacks. Celebrating victories fuels my motivation, while learning from setbacks is like having a secret weapon for future challenges. As a coach, this approach helps me guide others with a real understanding of the ups and downs, making the coaching journey more relatable and impactful.

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Life Coaching Leeza Martinez Life Coaching Leeza Martinez

The Ripple Effect

In the journey toward personal growth and fulfillment, the interconnected nature of our energy, mind, emotions, and physical play a pivotal role in our wellbeing. Imagine life as a series of interconnected ripples, starting from the core of your being and radiating outward, influencing every aspect of your existence.

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Leeza Martinez Leeza Martinez

64 days left in 2023. Here’s what to do.

As the month comes to an end and the year soon to follow, I started reflecting on where I am now. I asked myself how I feel about it and what I’d like to change. So I decided, for the next 60 days I’m going to focus on my goals and make the changes I need to bring the new year in on a fresh start.

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