Leeza Martinez

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Motivation for Mondays

For some people, Mondays are the most dreaded day of the week. If you're reading this and agree with that statement, this one's for you. The weekends can feel like a blink of an eye and in comes Monday - time with our family and friends ends, and we need to show up for our work responsibilities. For some, this comes easy. Or maybe they are just good at pretending, or even worse, they actually like Mondays.

I hated the start of the week until I changed my mindset about what Mondays meant. Before, they meant early mornings, running late because I just needed my iced coffee, and once I arrived to work I was struggling to start the day and be productive. Many factors fed this mindset like lack of sleep, lack of motivation, happiness, and drive. I wasn't happy at my job, I carried this mindset the entire time I was there. But when I started working for myself, I had to evolve and change my outlook on Mondays.

First, I started by implementing a morning routine. While I may only have to walk a few feet to clock in, I needed some kind of structure that having a 9-5 provides. I read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and it was life-changing. I started this crazy idea of a morning routine. The first morning I woke up at 4:45am and got right out of bed. I was excited to put this into action.

Hal breaks down the morning routine with the S.A.V.E.R.S approach.

S = Silence - A= Affirmations - V= Visualization - E= Exercise - R= Reading -S= Scribing

You can do these in whatever order you want. For me after washing my face and brushing my teeth, I start with silence and a glass of water. After sleeping for 7-8 hours, your body will thank you for the hydration and help you wake up. You may think I am crazy starting with silence - for some, this alone is enough to drive them right back to sleep. I like silence. I try to remember to be in the moment, listen to the sounds around me, and breathe in and out. It gives me clarity for the next part which is journaling then reading, visualization & affirmations, and ending with stretching.

I did this morning routine for months and I noticed it had an incredible effect on how I viewed the workweek and my productivity levels shot up. I looked forward to each morning, not to mention I had begun to find I had time to work on other things that I wouldn't have once my work started. You certainly don't have to wake up at 4:45 in the morning but regardless you should aim to wake up an hour earlier. Commit yourself the night before to waking up at your desired time. Use whatever framework that suits your life but if you want something to follow, check out the Miracle Morning.

Mindset may be the biggest thing you can invest in when it comes to everything in your life, but organization and planning play equally important parts. Utilizing your calendar ensures that you have structure for the week. You know what's happening, when things are due, and when meetings are scheduled. This will make not only your Mondays easier, but your entire week easier.

Mondays suck, but they don't have to.